The Speech Doctor is IN!
Assembly Programs and Workshops
Public Speaking should not be intimidating! Many adults wish they had learned to combat stage fright early on. Learning how to overcome speech anxiety at a young age will prevent a life-long fear of public speaking. The Speech Doctor, Kathleen Williams, Ph.D., cures various “Speech Sicknesses” that keep students from not speaking effectively. This highly interactive and entertaining program will teach students specific strategies to speak with ease, clarity and confidence. This program meets New Jersey Curriculum Standards for Language Arts Literacy.

Curriculum Standards
This highly interactive program gives the student an opportunity to get a clear understanding of the qualities necessary for effective oral presentations in regards to eye contact, posture/stance, volume control, enunciation, appropriate rate and vocal expression. Read more here
Assembly Programs/Workshops
Are some of your students scared to get up and speak in front of the class? Do your students read from their papers? Do your students need to speak more clearly and expressively?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then your class would benefit from a visit with the Speech Doctor! Read more here
“Dr. Williams is one of the most effective Professors I’ve taken in higher education. Her lessons are interactive, challenging, and FUN! I find myself constantly using the material she taught in my everyday life.”
-Nicholas Rogalsky
Mrs. Williams’ program brought much of what concerns children about public speaking to the surface.
My seventh graders and I really enjoyed Dr. Williams’ presentation. She was fabulous!
You were really funny! I liked when the children said, “Here I am you lucky ducks.”